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Home Success How many hours does Mark Zuckerberg work a day?

How many hours does Mark Zuckerberg work a day?


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    Facebook - Hardwork

    Facebook founder and the 5th richest person in the world, Mark Zuckerberg reveals how many hours on average he works a day when asked by a fan on his personal Facebook profile page.

    In Zuckerberg response; he gives insight that in order to become highly successful in your field you must be willing to engage in mental hard work which consist of thinking, planning and reading.

    Mark Zuckerberg on how many hours he works

    Mark Zuckerberg - FB

    “That depends on what you count as work. I spend most of my time thinking about how to connect the world and serve our community better, but a lot of that time isn’t in our office or meeting with people or doing what you’d call real work. I take a lot of time just to read and think about things by myself. If you count the time I’m in the office, it’s probably no more than 50-60 hours a week. But if you count all the time I’m focused on our mission, that’s basically my whole life.” – Mark Zuckerberg


    Relevant bible verse

    “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.” – Proverbs 24:33-34



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