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Home Success Recommended reading list – Jim Rohn’s favorite 7 books

Recommended reading list – Jim Rohn’s favorite 7 books


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    List of book recommendations from the late, Jim Rohn who is considered one of the greatest personal-development coaches.

    Included in Jim Rohn’s favorite boos are the Holy Bible and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Bonaparte.

    1. The Bible
    The best-selling book of all time tells the story of sin and redemption, the story of mankind, of despair and hope. It is quite literally the story of our lives.

    2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
    This is arguably the best personal development and wealth building book of all time. It belongs on everyone’s bookshelf.

    3. How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler
    This book will teach you to do just what the title promises: how to read a book for all it is worth so that you come out the best you can be at the end.

    4. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
    This book will ground you in the belief that whatever you believe you become. It’s based on the idea that we are what we think.

    5. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
    Written in parables, this is a classic on thrift, financial planning and personal wealth. Everyone needs to read this book.

    6. The Lessons of History by William James Durant
    This book gives insight as good as any book on the changes that have taken place over time in economics, politics, military customs and more—very insightful.

    7. The Story of Philosophy by William James Durant 
    In this book, Durant summarizes the lives and influence of philosophy’s greatest thinkers. This is very important for us, as we know that our philosophy determines how we live and what we achieve.

    Source: Success



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