Home Bible Success Secrets Is this spirit keeping you poor?
Bible Success Secrets

Is this spirit keeping you poor?


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    Craig Hill, founder of Family Foundations International (FFI), appeared on Sid Roth’s Supernatural show to discuss the spiritual barriers that hinder many Christians financially and how to break free from them in practical ways.

    Hill, a leading expert in biblical teachings on marriage, generational blessing, Christian rites of passage, and personal wealth management, emphasizes the importance of addressing spiritual issues seriously, given that we live in a spiritual world.

    FFI, which Hill established, is dedicated to helping individuals, couples, and families develop a godly heritage and influence future generations by restoring biblical principles in marriage, family, and finance. With expertise in these areas, Hill has trained permanent FFI ministry teams across more than 50 nations and conducts over 2,500 marriage and family blessing events annually.



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