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Home Success 23 practical ways to increase your happiness

23 practical ways to increase your happiness


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    Many people have sent us email asking, “What can I do to become happier?”, so we decided to give tips on this issue.

    With the bombardment of negative news circulating the media and the need to seek the approval of people on social media, no wonder why many live in an unhealthy state of mind.

    Hopefully suggesting these practical solutions will help you change your mood.

    Eat healthy foods instead of junk food that could be energy draining and negatively affect mood.

    Regularly exercise. Getting a good work out is good for your body and your brain. When you sweat you release endorphins, which immediately boost up your happiness levels.

    1. Keep a daily journal. This habit will drastically boost clarity over your life helping you to see what needs to be removed or included in your life. Journaling also helps you to constructively release your emotions, which can lower the anxiety you may have.

    2. Take a social media break and use that time to invest in a relationship with God you’re your friends and family.

    3. Stop comparing yourself to others instead embrace your personal gifts and uniqueness.

    4. Filter the type of information you consume for example stop watching movies with depressive story lines.

    5. Forgive those who hurt you. Living with bittiness is destructive and steals joy.

    6. Learn to be generous give to the needy. Act 20:35 says, “’It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Look around people around you and decide to be generous with your time and resources, this a sure fire way to gain happiness.

    7. Cut out negative friends from your life who do not add value towards you. Do not associate with those that dampen your mood.

    8. Hang around with people who are joyful and happy. Happiness is contagious.

    9. Change your environment. To boost your mood, it’s important that you place yourself in an environment that inspires you.

    10. Create challenging goals for yourself that will excite you to get out of bed early on a daily basis. Having life goals give you something to live for.

    11. Face your fears. Make a decision to take the leap outside your comfort, zone this will change your outlook on life. Live an adventurous life instead of in a mental prison of limitation. So if have always desired to start a business but have not because of fear, start it today.
    Pray regularly. Prayer is the bridge communication way between you and the creator of the universe, utilise this opportunity. Prayer invites God to our activities, eliminates, worry and sharpens discernment.

    12. Get real with God and stop wearing a mask. God can see your heart, so what’s the point of trying to hide from him. Build a personal relationship with Christ who is available to take your burdens. If you feel angry or frustrated express to God.

    13. Make it a habit to read your Bible and listen to sermons regularly. This habit can help refocus your mind on the things of God instead of being self-centred.

    14. Stop being a people pleaser. It’s impossible to live a fulfilled life when you are putting everyone else’s desires at the expenses of yours.

    15. Find and become acquainted with like-minded people who share similar goals and values as you. This can encourage you along your journey.

    16. Write down a gratitude list to remind yourself how truly blessed you are.

    17. Write down a list of all your victories and milestone achievements in life. This practical step will help you boost your self-esteem.

    18. Write down a list of all your wonderful uniqueness and strengths. You are more valuable than you think you are.

    19. Start your day by writing a to-do list. Ticking off your list of activities will remind you that you are making progress towards your goals.

    20. Make it a habit to say positive affirmations to yourself. Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

    21. Create a playlist of inspirational audio messages that encourage you to become the best version of yourself.

    22. Find a job or business that you are passionate about. What’s the point working in a job you hate?

    23. Treat yourself regularly. Broaden your experiences for example travel to different countries or try new restaurants.



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