Home Visionaries If God can do it for Pat Robertson, he can do it for you too!

If God can do it for Pat Robertson, he can do it for you too!


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    Extracted from Time

    You outline a fairly dramatic story about how you started CBN with just $70 in your pocket. I’m sure people now would like to know how you lived on $70 at that time.

    When we started, there was no money available for us. I bought a bag of soybeans — 70 pounds for two dollars — and we literally lived on soybeans. We just didn’t have any money to spend. Everything was devoted to getting the Christian Broadcasting Network underway. My first year, total income was $8,000 for the whole enterprise. Second year it was $20,000. And now our income is in the $600 to $700 million range. So it does grow. You bet.

    Full interview here: Time

    Recommend for entrepreneurs – Master of Money CLICK HERE  




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