Home Faith How is Pastor Derek Schneider making history? – Exclusive interview

How is Pastor Derek Schneider making history? – Exclusive interview


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    We got the chance to interview Pastor Derek Schneider, the founder of The History Makers Society which is a training programme designed to equip and send out individuals to influence all spheres of society.

    Pastor Derek is not new to ministry, in the last 10 years he established one of  the largest and most influential Young Adult Ministries in Canada (Oshawa Ontario) called The Embassy Church.

    This interview should inspire you to cultivate all your talents just like he has done, he wears many different hats from being a sought-after speaker, personal development coach and successful author, with his memoir titled Beyond the Four Walls.

    Find out how you can become a mover and shaker in the body of Christ and turn your story into a testimony.


    Interview with Pastor Derek Schneider

    1. How did you first get involved in ministry? 

    I first entered into ministry immediately after an encounter with God. I was in the music industry as a Hiphop artist, having much success but was not living a Christian life. I was presented with a recording contract and I had planned to sign it. However God had different plans. Prior to receiving the contract to look at I fell into a depression which caused me to look to God. One night while in my room I called out to God and He answered in a way that transformed me completely. I was obedient to Him – declined the record contract and began preaching that same month. I was holding mostly revival and miracle meetings throughout western Canada. This eventually turned into leading a revival out my father’s church in Oshawa, Ontario for close to 8 years.

     2. In 2014, you released your book Beyond the Four Walls, what was your inspiration behind writing this book?

    My inspiration for writing this book came from my experience in my father’s church in Canada, and also my mentorship through Sunday Adelaja and The Embassy of God Church in Kiev, Ukraine. Through practically applying reformation and transformation principles learned through my mentorship our church in Canada became quite revolutionary. This book Beyond the Four Walls tells the story of a local church transitioning from revival to genuine societal transformation. Because of the results I began to see in our own city and nation I wanted to write a handbook that told an extraordinary story but also clearly outlined the practical steps for any local church to be able to fulfill the Great Commission and be relevant in their society.

    Pastor Derek Schneider - teaching

    “We are waiting on God when in reality God is waiting on us! We have really misunderstood how partnership with God on earth works. Psalm says “The Heavens are the Lords but the earth has been given to the sons of men.” – Pastor Derek 

    3. What advice would you give to young people who feel led to start their own ministry (i.e. business, church or outreach program)? 

    I would advise them that the dream that they have in their heart is probably also God’s dream. And that God is counting on them to be willing to pay any price to manifest this dream. Too often we get an idea or have a revelation of something we should for God, and then we sit and wait for Him to do it! But the reality is, that to start a successful ministry or endeavour that changes the world, you must “pray as if it all depends on God, but work as if it all depends on you!” I would also tell them that their passion, gifts and abilities are keys to discovering their place of calling and destiny. And their calling and destiny is their inheritance from God, and this is always connected to serving people. If you have a desire to use your success to reaching people, you will be able to pay any price to be a history maker.

     4. In your experience what would you say are some of the things that hold Christians back from reaching their God-given potential? 

    I think one of the greatest hinderances to Christians reaching their God-given potential is the religious mindset. The idea that we need to leave everything in God’s hands and wait for Him to do it on earth. Too we often we are waiting on God when in reality God is waiting on us! We have really misunderstood how partnership with God on earth works. Psalm says “The Heavens are the Lords but the earth has been given to the sons of men.” Also, I think that many people struggle in the disciplines that are required to really get to know God and also to know themselves and their calling. They cannot clearly define their calling and the steps it takes to accomplish it.  The Believer’s lack of reaching their potential is never that God doesn’t want them to reach it – it is usually our own ignorance and local of practical knowledge.

    Derek Schneider - History makers

    (Image above – Pastor Derek teaching revolutionary Kingdom principles at one of the History Makers Training programmes conducted in June 2016)

     5. You are very active in conducting the History Makers training program in Canada, for those who are not aware, what is the History Makers training about?

    I really believe that History Makers Academy is one of the most unique training and equipping experiences of our day. Our training modules are typically 3 1/2 days in length, and facilitate an environment designed to re-wire a person for supernatural living and achieving real RESULTS. The tools and training presented at History Makers Training are a collection of world­‐leading and time­‐tested strategies. They provide attendees with everything they need to develop a life that produces real, lasting results.  They are what the 3-5% of the world (those who rule the world) know and live by. The History Makers Training atmosphere has been designed to simulate “points of pressure” (or simulated challenges and obstacles to overcome) to create lasting personal breakthrough.  Through these challenges and applied pressure it is possible for the attendee to reach a “breaking point” where “His strength is perfected in our weakness.”  The attendee actually begins to access supernatural power and grace that they never knew they could walk in. While the training is only three and a half days long, it is a well-known fact that, three days is all it takes to change a mindset. Not only does HMT create immediate results through new thinking, it leaves attendees with a desire for self-imposed pressure and a profound sense of empowerment in their ability to rise to any occasion and go beyond their personal limitations. Studies now show that success is a combination of three factors: Knowledge (10%), Environment (40%) and Character (50%). HMT literally provides a platform to grow and utilize all three.  We also teach you how to continue to grow long after the training is over.

    6. Can you give an example of the results individuals have been able to achieve by going through the History Makers training? 

     Well in just under 2 years of holding history makers trainings in Canada, US, Africa, and Europe we have an influence of a little over 200,000 people. Most of our graduates start some kind of project or work in their communities to help solve societal problems. We have a high rate of fruitfulness because of the system we have created for HMT graduates. We don’t just let them pass through the training, we push them to produce results after the training, and monitor their results. We now have projects that reach out to single parents, the homeless, high school students, government, almost any area you can think of. We gather these graduates under the banner of what we call “The History Makers Society.” These graduates immediately begin to get extraordinary results in their sphere of influence. The stories are almost unbelievable.

     7. In an interview online you mentioned that before setting up HMT in Canada, you attending HMT in Ukraine. You’ve mention countless times how the training was highly intense, what were some of the activities that pushed you out your comfort zone? 

    Well, the pressure and challenge of the choreography and schedule of the training pushed me for sure. Then there was the homework assignments and the competition of other students wanting the highest mark in the class. I personally had never done so much work before or read a book per day. But the pressure of the HMT system brought greatness out of me that I did not know existed. It also revealed my weaknesses and character flaws that were hard for me to face. The whole thing was a great challenge that produces undeniable results.

    8. How can people join the History Makers training? 

    If someone wants to experience the History Makers Training they can contact us directly at [email protected]. We are willing to hold one in their area, or at their church or for their organization. They can also check our website for upcoming trainings at www.historymakersacademy.com.

    Pastor derek and pastor sunday

    (Image above – Pastor Derek with his mentor and associate in Christ, Pastor Sunday Adelaja)

     9. You have publically noted Pastor Sunday Adelaja to be one of your mentors, what are a few lessons you’ve extracted from being around him? 

    After over 10 years of walking closely with this man it is almost impossible for me to think of only a few lessons I have learned. This man has taught me most of what I know today spanning every area of life. But for the sake of this article I will list 3.

    1. He taught me the importance of unceasing hard work. Not just relying on God to do something for me, but the ability to go beyond my limitations as it pertains to discipline and hard work.

    2. He taught me the value of monthly systematic prayer retreats to cause Christ’s image to be formed in me. Once you become one with Jesus through concentrated monthly time spent, results in ministry are not a problem.

    3. He taught me the value of “system building” to achieve any goal.

    The truth is Pastor Sunday didn’t just give me knowledge or information – he taught me how to think.

     10. On average, how much time would you say you devote to prayer and bible study?

    I try to tithe 10 percent of my day to God, 6 days per week. So generally I will pray and study the bible for 2 hours daily and at least a half hour of studying another subject pertaining to my calling.

    William Wilberforce

    (Pastor Derek considers the late, William Wilberforce as one of his role models.)

    11. On our web platform we highlight the stories of great historic leaders, Are there any heroic leaders you’ve admired in the past and if so why?

    Yes, I admire my mentor Pastor Sunday of course. But I also admire William Wilberforce and any reformer ie. Martin Luther. I generally admire people who have shaped history or gone against the grain and who stood out and paid a price for it. To me that is a real life well lived! So I like to study influential people on a regular basis. Their lives are my standard and norm. Their lives challenge me to rise above mediocrity for the sake of changing the world.

     12. What advice would you give to those who are struggling with their faith? 

    Everyone at some point in life struggles with their faith. Especially when faith is tested through trial and pain. That is nature of how faith can grow and mature. Struggle is sometimes necessary for a person’s refinement. During times of struggle it is important to remember that God is your friend and He is not surprised by your struggle, so you can come to Him honestly about it. Also, I believe that if you are going to choose to live this Christian life, then you should live it radically! Give 100 percent and live radically. If you give all to God and His Kingdom your life will be a great adventure. It is worth it.

    Vertical TV - Derek Scneider

    (Pastor Derek partners with Vertical TV to spread the Gospel to millions across the globe.)

     13. Please give us insight into your documentary with Vertical TV? 

    This new network is nothing short of extraordinary. Especially for Canadian and North American culture. It is history in the making. Not just because if it’s content but because it is 24 hour Christian television. Something that Canada has lacked. My tv show Beyond the Four Walls is a very unique program. We think there is not another one like it in Christian television. We are history makers so we want to lead the way and be cutting edge.

     14. Is there anything else you would like to mention?  

    I would like to thank you for the honour of the interview and also for your work. We all have a part to play in changing the world and making history. I would also like to recommend that everyone get a hold of my book Beyond the Four Walls available on Amazon. It is a great resource if you want to shift into what God is doing now and how you can transform your nation.

    Recommended book: Beyond the Four Walls by Derek Schneider

    Beyond the four walls - Derek Schneider

    Buy now: Click here

    Website links: 

    Facebook – Derek Schneider 

    Official website – Historymakersacademy.com/

    Twitter – History Makers Society 



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