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Could this be the greatest Christian rap song of all time?


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    Incredible Rap song about God’s creation by British lyricist, Dwayne Tryumf.

    Many of us needs to follow his footsteps and glorify God with our talents.

    Song title – 777 Intro


    Livin’ n driven
    Given a vision
    Fulfillin’ the commission
    With spiritual intuition
    People ya need ta listen
    Remember in the beginning
    The Word was livin’ within Him
    The Seraphim an da singin’
    He said that suttns’ still missin’
    He wanted someone to bring Him
    An offerering that was willin’
    Not someone who was servin’ Him
    Jus cause He was tellin’ em
    So He made a planet
    An put a man in it
    To manage it
    An replenish it
    An made a garden fa fellowship
    Now the devil was jealous
    An Genesis doesn’t tell us this
    But Isaiah 14 gives us the parenthesis
    The former glory
    Lucifer was given
    Was taken n given
    To Adam n Eve
    Cause of vanity
    Satan knew that Adam was the seed of humanity
    An if he could get him to sin that would cause a calamity
    So he devised a plan
    To get at the man
    Through the woman
    Cause he knew he couldn’t fool Adam
    Now he’s speakin’ ta Eve
    Tellin’ her to eat
    From da tree of da knowledge of good and evil
    To make her equal wid da Most High
    But if ya equal wid da Most High
    Den He wouldn’t be da Most High, a lie?
    Any way back to da case
    Adam an Eve were disgraced
    An from da garden of Eden
    Adam an Eve were displaced
    Dis is da reason why God an man are now separate
    An it’s da reason for da evil das in da world today
    But God had a plan to make a second Adam
    To be born of a woman who never slep with a man
    Gentle jus like a Lamb but conquering like a Lion
    Greater than Abraham, the call Him The Great I AM
    He was Da Word in eternity past
    He was the Let there be Light that the Father and the Spirit spoke at he start
    He’s still livin’ today so why do so many deny Him?
    When He comes back He’ll be bringin’ thunder an lightning!


    Twitter – Dwayne Trymf 



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