Home Business Ideas Five unique business ideas you can start from home – Build an extra income stream!
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Five unique business ideas you can start from home – Build an extra income stream!


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    Here are five business ideas to choose from; hopefully this helps you on your journey. Remain blessed.

    Five unique business ideas 

    1. Open e-mail alert

    Create software that allows you to find out if someone has opened your email. Ensure that the software is compatible with Gmail and Hotmail.com.

    2. Mailing list subscriber software

    Create an online platform that shows you all the mailing lists you are subscribed to, set up an option where they can easily delete the sites they are subscribed to. This tool will be highly useful being that it’s common for companies to subscribe you to their email list without your consent.


    3. Bid to dine with influential individuals

    Warren Buffett - Lebron James

    Users will get the chance to bid against each other to dine with their favorite celebrity. In June 2015 a Chinese gaming company won the auction to have lunch with Warren Buffet for bidding $2.3 million. You can set up a platform where you invite celebrities to set up auctions as well as donate a portion of the earning to a charity of their choice. I believe a hub dedicated to this theme have not been created before.

    4. Set up online ecommerce stores

    Online shop

    Setting up an online shop is arguably one of the most lucrative ways to make an income online. In order to create a successful online business you need the patience to build a brand and sell products with sizeable profit margins, below is the top ten selling internet items according to statisticbrain.com:

    • Women’s apparel
    • Books
    • Computer hardware
    • Apparel
    • Toys / Video games
    • Video DVD’s
    • Health and beauty
    • Consumer Electronics
    • Music
    • Jewelry
    • Office supplies
    • Linens / Home Decor


    5. Set up a distribution company


    Negotiate a deal with small to medium sized companies overseas to distribute their product to national retailers. Companies will be willing to work on such arrangement on a commission arrangement, but this is fine, if you really believe the product has a high chance of receiving large orders. If you do plan on setting this business, work with companies whose products have already been successful in other territories. If they agree to work with you, ensure they give you your own personal e-mail, so if the companies website is salebabytoys.com, make sure they set an e-mail for you (Your [email protected]).

    Recommended for entrepreneurs ‘Master of Money’Click Here 

    Discover how Pastor Sunday Adelaja raised 200 millionaires in 3 years in the ‘Master of Money’ – Click here 

    Sunday adelaja - teaching101



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