Ex porn star Dr. Shelley Lubben presents the truth about pornography to students at Bakersfield Christian High School, February 2013.
Find out the destruction of pornography and escape from the lifestyle.
Relevant Bible verse
“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.” – 1 Corinthians 6:18
This entire video is projections of a sexually guilt ridden individual that could not handle her life and turned it over to an even more guilt ridden sex recovery system that does not work, but only supplies more guilt. It is smart to have sex outside marriage to get to know yourself. And it is natural. Marriage is manmade and religion has attached so much guilt to sex with rules that can’t apply, one will just get themselves deeper into confusion and torment. Go to a licensed sexual health professional if you want guilt free recovery, or suffer the consequences of added guilt via religion. Homosexuality is a natural basic of the human race as is bisexuality, yet in her diatribe they are cast down as sin. Total BS, don’t buy it. Even manmade religions can’t change nature. They used to stone left handed people. Now do you get it? Very bad news about sex when religions is involved.