Home Bible Success Secrets Don’t let anyone make you feel inferior – You are a child of God
Bible Success Secrets

Don’t let anyone make you feel inferior – You are a child of God


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    If you’ve ever found yourself doubting your abilities or constantly comparing yourself to others, you’re not alone. In today’s world, social media often bombards us with highlight reels of people’s seemingly perfect lives, making it easy to feel inadequate. We see people showcasing their successes while hiding the struggles, which can leave us feeling defeated or even depressed. But here’s the truth: you don’t need to feel this way. You have the power to break free from these negative thoughts.

    In this article, I will share personal experiences, biblical principles, and real-life stories of people who refused to let others make them feel inferior. I want to remind you that you are capable of greatness, regardless of what anyone else portrays.

    The feeling of inadequacy can be crippling. It keeps you from reaching your full potential. The key to overcoming it is to stop seeking external validation and approval. Instead, focus on the greatness that already exists within you. Cultivate your talents, and work towards becoming the best version of yourself.

    When I first started my business journey, I often felt discouraged. I questioned whether I had what it took to succeed. I realized that much of this doubt stemmed from consuming interviews with “self-proclaimed” entrepreneurs. These interviews would briefly offer advice but quickly turn into boastful stories about their success. I found myself comparing my early struggles to their exaggerated tales of achievement, and it made me feel unworthy.

    It’s easy to feel small when you hear stories like, “I made $50 million by the time I was 18” or “I sold my company for nine figures at age 20.” But I now understand that many of these stories are exaggerated, or at the very least, incomplete. I was comparing myself to a distorted image of success, and it wasn’t fair to myself.

    Unfortunately, we live in a society where many people create the illusion of success just to elevate themselves and put others down. This isn’t a new phenomenon; it’s been happening since biblical times. In 1 Corinthians 3:21-22, we are reminded, “So then, no more boasting about human leaders! All things are yours…” As believers, we must not allow others to make us feel inferior or stop us from shining our light.

    Success starts with believing in yourself. If you’re a Christian, your identity is rooted in Christ Jesus, not in worldly achievements. Because of Him, you are already a success. Your potential is unlimited, not because of what you can do on your own, but because of who you are in Him. When you fully grasp this truth, you can walk with unshakable confidence, knowing that no one else’s success can limit or define you. With Christ, there are no boundaries to what you can achieve, and your worth is eternally secure in Him.

    Pop star Ariana Grande once said, “We live in a world where we’re taught to hate ourselves constantly.” Her words ring true because society often tries to suppress our greatness. Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, understood this well. He once said, “Everything around you that you call life was made up by people who were no smarter than you… You can change it, influence it, and build your own things.”

    Dr. Ben Carson, one of the greatest brain surgeons in the United States, echoed a similar sentiment. As he performed countless procedures, he observed, “Every time the skin was peeled back, the brain was the same colour, loaded with the same amount of potential.” These words serve as a powerful reminder that we all have the potential for greatness.

    If you want to change your life, start by believing in your own potential. Don’t be intimidated by others’ achievements—real or exaggerated. You can achieve greatness too, perhaps even more than those you admire. Don’t be discouraged by how smart or successful someone else seems to be. You are capable of achieving just as much, if not more.

    One inspiring example of overcoming feelings of inferiority is the story of Joseph Schooling, a swimmer from Singapore who shocked the world by defeating the legendary Michael Phelps at the 2016 Rio Olympics. Schooling grew up idolizing Phelps, even meeting him as a young boy when Phelps visited Singapore. At that moment, Schooling was just a star-struck kid dreaming of following in his hero’s footsteps. That meeting left a lasting impression, and Phelps became Schooling’s benchmark for greatness.

    However, when the two faced off in the 100-meter butterfly final at the Rio Olympics, Schooling didn’t let Phelps’ legendary status intimidate him. Despite Phelps being the most decorated Olympian of all time, Schooling focused on his own abilities and preparation. On the day of the race, instead of shrinking under the pressure of competing against his idol, Schooling believed in himself. He swam his race, stayed focused, and ultimately won the gold medal, beating Phelps and making history as Singapore’s first-ever Olympic gold medallist.

    Michael Phelps on the left, Joseph Schooling on the right.

    This story is a powerful reminder that no matter how great someone else appears, you can achieve your own greatness if you believe in yourself. Schooling’s victory wasn’t just about talent—it was about mental strength, perseverance, and the confidence to rise above even the most daunting challenges.

    It’s time to rise up and believe in your potential.

    Whether you like with him or not, former President Donald Trump exemplifies the power of unwavering confidence and resilience. Before his successful presidential campaign, Trump was often dismissed by many as just a wealthy businessman with no real political future. In fact, during a White House Correspondents’ Dinner, then-President Barack Obama famously mocked Trump by saying, “At least I will go down as a president,” implying that Trump would never reach that level of achievement.

    However, instead of letting Obama’s words discourage him, Trump used the criticism as fuel. He refused to let others define his potential and went on to launch a determined campaign that defied the odds. In 2016, Trump was elected as the 45th President of the United States, proving that persistence and belief in oneself can turn even the harshest doubt into success. This story highlights the importance of staying focused on your own path, no matter how others try to undermine, underestimate, or intimidate you.

    Never let anyone make you feel inferior because you are not. You are made in God’s image and likeness.

    Greatness is not reserved for a select few—it’s available to you too. You just need to see yourself as God sees you, not as the world does. No one is better than you, and you are more than capable of achieving greatness.

    Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. In the age of the internet, it’s easier than ever to compare yourself to someone else’s highlight reel. But don’t let anyone or anything make you feel inferior. Your journey is unique, and your potential is limitless. Believe in yourself, and watch how your life transforms.


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