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Documentary of the week – The musical genius


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    Proof that our mind potential is limitless. Learn to utilise your God-given ability like Derek Paravicini.

    Derek Paravicini is autistic, blind, retarded, and yet, is a genius at the piano. He can play anything he hears just once. This reports follows him to a major concert where he teams up with another genius pianist…with the same handicap.

    Born three and a half months prematurely, Derek Paravicini miraculously survived, but his twin sister did not. Technically, he died three times in the hospital and his eyesight was destroyed by an oxygen overdose. He has been left completely blind, partly autistic, can’t tell left from right and cannot count to ten, but despite his disabilities he has an incredibly acute sense of hearing, and is a musical genius.

    Source: DocuTV



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