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How to respond when you feel jealous of someone’s life?

What is the difference between Instagram and real life.


Sermon of the week – “The Danger of Low Expectations”

Epic sermon by Bishop TD Jakes, he talks about the dangers of having low expectations in life.


Never underestimate the power of the mind – Dr. Ben Carson reveals all

Success principles by Dr. Ben Carson.


How to cleanse your mind from shameful thoughts

Dr Caroline Leaf on how to renew your mind and live with power.


How to break free from negative emotions? – Get happy right now!

Find out what it takes to put yourself in a good mood.


If you think you are beaten, you are.

Inspiring poem by Walter D. Wintle on how to live a victorious life.


The world is filled with too many cowards and not enough heroes! – Which one are you?

Don’t live to survive, live to make a difference.


How to stay focused in a world filled of distractions – Powerful message!

Don’t let them take your precious attention away.

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