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5 ways to stay committed to your goals in 2019

Here is a list of five effective ways to stay focused on accomplishing your goals and reaching your God-given potentials in 2019. Make...


Excessive social media use can lead to low self esteem and depression

Charisma on Command breaks down why social media can be destructive to your health.


It’s never too late to restart your life – Watch this!

It’s never too late for you to restart your life and fulfil your maximum potential.

Celebrities in ChristSuccess

Finding success in Hollywood God’s way – DeVon Franklin speaks from experience

Movie producer Devon Franklin reveals how he was able to succeed in Hollywood without compromising his Christian faith.


This 20 second video proves that fear is an illusion

This 20 second video confirms that fear is just an illusion, no wonder why the phrase ‘do not be afraid’ is written in...


How to stop being jealous of people

Do you find yourself feeling bitter and envious when others are reaching higher levels of success?


The power of a united family – Watch this

You can achieve excellence in unity especially within a nuclear family, this video proves it.


23 practical ways to increase your happiness

Many people have sent us email asking, “What can I do to become happier?”, so we decided to give tips on this issue.


Stop living a lie in the social media! – Be real

This video illustrates how many people live unproductive lives, posting photo’s on social media platforms that give false impressions that their lives are...


Be careful who your friends are! – Choose wisely

Let this video encourage you to choose your friends wisely. Select friends that add value into your life instead of those who wish...

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