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Best charitable organizations to donate to – List of highly rated christian charities

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    God calls His children to not only tithe, but also to look after the poor, the unfortunate, the widows, the hungry, the orphans and really any one of our neighbors who happens to need us.

    While you may not know anyone personally who’s in financial or physical need, there are a multitude of charities that desperately need your help, and that you can trust to use your donations (whether they be your money or your time) in a godly manner. Here are the best Christian charities to donate to.

    Check out some of our favorites below.

    Top 10 best charitable contributions to donate to 

    1. A21 Campaign

    A21-Not for sale

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    Founded in 2008 by influential speaker Christine Caine, A21 Campaign is a nonprofit and non-government organization that focuses primarily on stopping the horrors of human trafficking, including sexual slavery and other slave labor. Studies show this is an epidemic of huge proportions, particularly in certain regions of the world, such as Asia Pacific, and not nearly enough is being done to combat it. The charity derives its name from its goal—to abolish slavery completely around the entire world by the end of the 21st century. A21 Campaign works by educating unknowledgeable citizens; protecting helpless victims through medical treatment, therapy, legal assistance and monetary help; working to prosecute traffickers for their crimes; and other various ways. Currently, A21 Campaign has offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia, South Africa, Thailand, Ukraine, Greece and Bulgaria.

    Official website – Click here

    2. Charity: Water

    Charity - Water

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    Some Christians do not realize that in order to ever lead anyone to Christ, their basic needs must also be met. In other words, don’t expect to win over a lost soul if you’re not willing to first help make sure he has food, safety and shelter. Charity: Water addresses individuals’ most basic of needs—that of clean drinking water. Since the charity’s founding in 2006, it has worked in more than 20 countries on more than 19,000 projects to benefit more than 6 million individuals.

    3. The American Red Cross

    American Red Cross

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    One of the most recognizable of all charities, the American Red Cross jumps to the aid of Americans everywhere who need assistance after natural disasters and other tragic incidences. In addition to helping in these dire circumstances, however, the Red Cross also offers services to assist members of the military and their family, as well as educate community members about how to best prepare for a disaster and protect themselves and their family members. Their reach has extended across the world. They also offer one of the easiest, cheapest and least time-costly ways to give back and do your part, through their blood drives. All you have to do is show up and save a life.

    4. Open Doors

    Open Doors - Africa

    For those who want to assist a non-denominational, purely Christian organization with no particular affiliation, Open Doors is a good choice. The charity is dedicated to assisting Christians around the world facing persecution in regions where Christianity is illegal or discouraged. They help to distribute Bibles to those who cannot acquire them for themselves, as well as Christian-based media, literature and training materials. In regions where Christianity is not illegal or discouraged, Open Doors works to educate free Christians about the hardships their brothers and sisters in Christ face on a daily basis, as they ask for their prayers and support. Open Doors’ main office is based in the Netherlands, but there is also a U.S. office in California.

    Official website – Click here 

    5. Fight the New Drug

    A controversial nonprofit organization that some Christians back is Fight the New Drug which combats not narcotics, but pornography addiction. The organization goes into schools of all kinds, from public to private to high schools to colleges, to address those who may be struggling with this kind of addiction most—hormone-addled teenagers. The five-year-old organization works with 300 schools currently and has presented to hundreds of thousands of teenagers. They also work through social media marketing and other online sources.

    Official website – Click here

    6. World Vision

    World Vision
    World Vision is a Christian-based organization that fights poverty and injustice. While the company may be founded in the teachings of Christ, though, their religion doesn’t make them blind to people of other faiths. World Vision works in almost 100 countries with all who need them, no matter what religion, race, ethnicity, etc. In addition to emergency assistance to fight immediate poverty, the organization also works to create opportunities to fight poverty on a long-term scale, affording families and adults the tools needed to sustain the income needed to survive.

    Official website – Click here

    7. Samaritan Purse

    Samaritan Purse

    Samaritan Purse is also a very easily recognized Christian charity. Like others on this list, this organization’s members work to provide both physical and spiritual assistance to individuals all over the world who may be suffering due to poverty, disaster, war or epidemics. They combine missionary work with humanitarian efforts in order to propagate the message of Christ and show the world His love in both action and word.

    Official website – Click here 

    8. Compassion International


    If your heart breaks for impoverished children, you may be interested in working with Compassion international. This Colorado Springs-based organization works in 26 different countries around the world to assist children suffering from poverty, as they help meet their physical, economic and spiritual needs. The organization was originally founded in the middle of the 20th century to assist children orphaned by the Korean War, and provide them with not only healthcare and food, but also safety and the Word of Christ. With their child sponsorship programs, which anyone can participate in, they’ve helped more than a million children and counting. Today, their services expand to offer education and vocational training as well, to prepare young children in impoverished and war-torn nations to provide for themselves and their families.

    Official website – Click here

    9. Christian Blind Mission International

    Blind charity

    Disabilities affect individuals and families of all nationality, class and religion, and Christian Blind Mission International hopes to help those with disabilities who need it most. Helping provide much-needed medical relief to those who cannot afford it, as well as training to help disabled persons lead full and productive lives, this organization works mostly with the blind, but also the deaf, mentally ill and those with cerebral palsy. The charity works in more than 70 countries with more than 30 million people.

    Official website – Click here 

    10. WaterAid

    Water Aid

    WaterAid is another charity that hopes to show God’s love through meeting others’ most basic needs. The organization works to provide clean water, hygienic education and proper waste and toilet facilities to areas where such things are an issue. The organization was originally founded by the UK water industry in the 1980s, and is based out of London, but now has offices in the United States, Australia, Japan and Sweden as well.

    Official website – Click here



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      %s Comment

      • When finding a charity to donate it I would recommend finding a charity that accepts more than just donations of money. More often than not people feel more at ease when they’re able to give items they have to a charity that will use them to improve the lives of others. For example, Collectibles With Causes accepts a variety of donations such as cars, furniture, boats, homes, computers, and a lot more. With items like cars, and computers they typically fix them up and donate them back out to the communities they serve. If you’re interested in learning more about what they do and the other items they accept visit

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