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Celebrities in ChristInspirational Quotes

100 inspirational quotes by Christian celebrities

We’ve compiled a list of 100 empowering quotes by celebrities and athletes who believe in Jesus Christ. Be inspired to profess your faith...


Steve Harvey’s morning Inspiration – There’s power in faith and perseverance!

Television host, Steve Harvey reveals the secret principles behind his success in media and how you too can become successful in your calling.


How to be truly HAPPY and break free from depression! – (Must watch video)

Find out practical ways on how to become happy on purpose. Learn effective tactics to break free from a miserable and disempowering state...


What does it take to become a champion in long distance running? – Mo Farah’s training schedule

Champions are not born but cultivated, find out what it takes to become victorious in long-distance running.


Should a musician get paid to play for church? – Here is what the Bible says

Founder of Gospel Musician, Jamal Hartwell shares his views on if it is right for musicians to get paid to play in church.


Fortune 500 companies founded by Christians – Kingdom minded business leaders

Video title – Fortune 500 companies founded by born-again Christians.

FaithInspirational Quotes

Do not fear terrorism, instead read this powerful Bible verse that will comfort and empower you!

With the rising threat and social ills across the globe like terrorism, it’s easy to feel nervous, but as believers we are instructed...


Guess how Nick and Kanae Vujicic met? – They reveal how to love without limits (Video)

  Nick Vujicic at one point in his life thought he would never have a wife, but on February 12, 2012 that perception was...


What you don’t know is killing you! – How to get and apply wisdom

Proverbs 4:7 affirms the importance gaining wisdom, ‘The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”

Celebrities in Christ

Bear Grylls reveals how trusting in ‘Jesus Christ’ paid off big time! – “I never questioned God”

British adventurer and television presenter, Bear Grylls reveals how his faith in Jesus Christ helped him overcome challenges in his personal life and...

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