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Holy Land: Startup Nations – (Full Documentary)

Every aspiring business owner should watch this insightful documentary.

Celebrities in Christ

Michelle Williams on overcoming depression and shares her faith in Jesus

On October 9, 2017, Michelle Williams spoke at Liberty University, North America’s largest weekly gathering of Christian students, sharing her faith in Christ,...


Dr. Michael Greger – Premature deaths can be prevented by changing your diet

Dr. Michael Greger, the author of “How Not To Die” reveals shocking insight on how millions of people die prematurely due to having...


Ex-Illuminati Dutch banker, Ronald Bernard exposes the elite

Ex-Illuminati Dutch banker, Ronald Bernard exposes some of the evil practises the financial elite use to advance economically.


The Breakfast Club interviews Bishop T.D. Jakes about his new book ‘Soar’ on entrepreneurship and more

Bishop T.D. Jakes on his new book ‘Soar’, entrepreneurship & guiding the millennials.


Pastor Sunday Adelaja – The church is not a building (Sermon of the week)

Empowering sermon by modern day reformer, Pastor and author, Sunday Adelaja, who talks about church not being limited by the four walls.


Interesting debate – Are men intimidated by successful women?

Interesting debate conducted by The Grapevine Youtube video series. In this episode they discuss about men who are threatened by successful women. Warning:...

InspirationStrategic Advice

Former drug addict now runs a million dollar cleaning company

Don’t let your past limit your future. Learn to utilise the resources God has given you and move forward.


Five amazing benefits of drinking water

These are five amazing reasons why you should drink water daily to drastically improve the quality of your life.

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