Home Uncategorized 12 highest paying jobs that don’t require a degree

12 highest paying jobs that don’t require a degree


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    Here is a list of 12 realistic high paying jobs that do not require a degree. If you are looking to create a huge amount of cash flow to fund your dream, you have the option to temporarily work in a high paying job to amass the finances you need.

    In the video above the narrator provides a list of high paying and the earning potential of each one.

    The List 

    1. Postal service
    2. Purchasing agent
    3. First line supervisor at a construction company
    4. Gaming manager
    5. MRI technologists
    6. Power plant operator
    7. Dental hygienist
    8. Power distributor / Dispatchers
    9. Detective and criminal investigator
    10.  Nuclear reactor operator
    11. Elevator installer
    12. Radiation theapist


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