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Home Success 21 ways to turn dreams into reality

21 ways to turn dreams into reality

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    We’ve listed 21 simple and effective ways on how you can improve your day.

    1. Write the best possible plan to achieve your goals and stick to it.
    2. Continuously pray to God and ask for Him to guide you.
    3. If you find yourself slacking or being lazy don’t dwell on it, instead pick yourself up and get back to work in a focused gear.
    4. Don’t confuse being busy with being productive.
    5. Tell your friends kindly not to phone you when you are at work.
    6. Stop trying to please others by neglecting your work to accommodate their schedule.
    7. If you want to be great, prepare to feel lonely at times. You can’t expect others to hold your hand on your journey towards success.
    8. Only associate yourself with those you admire or those who push you beyond the limits you have placed on yourself.
    9. Get in the habit of using affirming positive words until your subconscious mind is saturated with empowering thoughts which will, in turn, direct you to achieve.
    10. Learn from your mistakes and refuse to make the same mistake twice.
    11. Learn to manage your emotions throughout the day. If you desire to learn more about mastering your emotional state you can study courses by self-help coach Tony Robbins who has many great strategies on how to master this area of your life.
    12. Write a list of everything you lose if you don’t stay focused – this will motivate you to work hard.
    13. Write a list of all the benefits you gain from staying focused and read it daily.
    14. Be determined to stay focused and committed to being the best you can be.
    15. Learn about the 80/20 principle and apply it in your life.
    16. Place your goals on the wall to constantly remind yourself why you need to discipline yourself.
    17. Place your goals on your refrigerator.
    18. Get in the habit of achieving your goals. Doing this will easily build your confidence and increase the number of action steps you take each day.
    19. Place your most desirable goals on your phone to drive you on.
    20. Plan out your day before you start it.
    21. Be inspired to work hard by reading up on the work ethic that those who you admire used to become a success.
    22. Read about the work ethic of the person you admire and this will inspire you to work hard.
    23. Keep a time log on the number of hours your work per day.


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