Home Bible Success Secrets Being Patient Will Make You Great
Bible Success Secrets

Being Patient Will Make You Great


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    “Being patient will make me great.” I encourage you to repeat this to yourself regularly. Let it become a mantra, a guiding principle: “Being patient will make me great.”

    Adopting this mindset will unlock your potential and allow you to make a meaningful impact on the world around you.

    Today, we live in a society where everything is about instant results—success now, fame now, rewards now. The media constantly pushes the idea of overnight success, but if you fall for this illusion, you risk missing out on your true greatness.

    Patience is not just a virtue; it is a Biblical principle that has stood the test of time. This ancient wisdom, rooted in scripture, still holds power today for those who are willing to embrace it. It worked in the lives of Biblical figures, and it will work in your life too—if you are willing to trust the process.

    No matter what field you are in, if you desire lasting success, you must cultivate patience. There is no shortcut to greatness.

    Take, for example, Bishop T.D. Jakes—one of the most influential Pentecostal preachers in the world, leading a congregation of over 30,000 at The Potter’s House. What many people don’t know is that for the first 10 years of his ministry, he preached to less than 100 members. His patience and perseverance eventually paid off, leading to his immense success.

    Even in the world of business, patience is essential. I remember reading a book by Donald Trump, curious about how he built a billion-dollar real estate empire. One key attribute stood out: his extraordinary patience. I recall how he spent seven years negotiating to acquire a single property. Seven years of persistence, patience, and faith in the process. Most people don’t have the endurance for such a long journey, and that’s why many fail to reach similar heights in their careers.

    Olympic athletes also embody this patient mindset. Imagine a 100-meter sprinter who trains rigorously for four years, all for a race that lasts just ten seconds. This level of dedication requires patience rooted in the belief that the hard work will eventually pay off.

    But let’s clarify something crucial: patience is often misunderstood.

    Patience is not about idly waiting for a miracle to happen.

    Patience is not about putting in minimal effort while hoping for a breakthrough.

    True, Biblical patience is about being diligent—working hard, working smart, and continuously refining your approach until you achieve your goals. It is about remaining calm and steadfast throughout the process, trusting that your efforts will bear fruit in due time.

    Patience is sowing seeds consistently, knowing that God will bring the harvest in the right season. One of the most powerful scriptures on this topic is Galatians 6:9: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” This verse is a reminder that patience is not passive; it is active faith in action.

    To achieve your goals, you must resist the temptation of instant gratification and adopt a long-term perspective. The “microwave mentality” of expecting results overnight will only lead to frustration and disappointment. True success comes to those who wait, work, and believe.

    From this moment forward, don’t see patience as an obstacle. Instead, see it as the divine vehicle that will carry you to your destiny. Patience, rooted in faith, is your partner on the journey to greatness.

    Have the mentality that you will do your best, and God will handle the rest.

    To renew your mind and strengthen your resolve, listen to this powerful audio affirmation daily – CLICK HERE.



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