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Home Success 10 ways to stop being lazy – How to become a hard worker

10 ways to stop being lazy – How to become a hard worker


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    We’ve compiled a list of ten practical ways to overcome laziness and procrastination.

    In this video insights on how to drastically increase your work ethic and become laser focused.

    Video full transcript below: 

    Enough is enough.

    If you are tired of living life below your potential and find yourself in constant procrastination mode this video is for you –

    Here we will break down how to transition from being lazy to a man or woman of action.

    Watch this and find out how to drastically increase your work ethic through the power of writing a daily to-do list. sponsors this video.

    Here are 10 ways to build a strong work ethic and eventually catch up to the greats and people you admire.

    Number 1.

    In order to develop a strong work ethic, you must get crystal clear on what you want to achieve in life and make sure your pursuit is worthy of your time.

    The truth is many remain stagnant not because they don’t posses in the inner drive but because their goals are either too small or not inspiring enough.

    Those who have extraordinary work ethic place big inspiring goals in front of them for example:

    When Bill Gates founded Microsoft his mission was to have a computer on every desk and every home.

    When Michael Jackson started his solo career his goal was to become the greatest entertainer of all time.

    This principle is even used today…..

    One of Elon Musk’s goals, the founder of Space X is to land the first humans on Mars by 2024.

    Number 2.

    Take the time to self-evaluate yourself.

    If you want to transition into your best self, it’s important that you become self-aware of who you are.

    It’s important to know what get’s you into a positive or negative mood, what environments do you work best in, what are your strengths and weaknesses, what motivates you.

    Take time out for self-evaluation.

    Once you understand yourself it’s easier to understand what makes you tick and as a result, work harder on achieving your goals.

    Number 3.

    Write your to-do list the night before you start your day.

    This is one of the productivity habits of the super successful.

    There are many life-changing benefits of writing your things-to-do list the night before such as it reduces your chances of procrastination, and you can start your day hitting the ground running – building momentum.

    Number 4.

    To increase your work ethic, when writing your to-do list don’t jot down vague activities instead be very specific on each action you aim to achieve.

    For example, instead of writing “work on my website” on your to-do list, write “for 1 hour I will work on adding three featured images on the About Us page” on my website.

    Number 5.

    Eat healthily and drink plenty of water.

    If you want to increase your work ethic it’s important you drink plenty of water daily as well as eat foods that give you maximum energy to increase your stamina.

    Avoid foods and snacks that cause you to feel tired and drained.

    Number 6.

    Be intentional about what you think about during the day by selecting what to think about on purpose.

    Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 -80,000 thoughts in a day – and these thoughts are usually negative – hence why it’s important to direct your thoughts.

    The main reason why many accomplish very little or nothing in the day is due to them entertaining negative thoughts that are draining.

    If you want to control your life you must learn to control your thoughts.

    In your to-do list write down three things you to intentionally think about in ideal moments of the day, so that when negative thoughts come you can snap out of it and think about empowering thoughts instead…

    Number 7.

    Stay organized and keep your environment clean.

    One of the main causes of why people feel overwhelmed is due to clutter. If you work in a cluttered and unorganized environment it will affect the way you work.

    A cluttered mind will lead to a cluttered life.

    Decide to be organized in order to become efficient in your life.

    Number 8.

    Do one thing out of your comfort zone daily.

    One way to increase your work ethic is to do something out your comfort zone –  so make that phone call

    Higher that personal trainer to get you into shape

    Learn that new language – Decide to do something out of your comfort zone on a daily basis.

    Living outside your comfort zone will drastically increase the level of action you take and make life more adventurous.

    Number 9.

    Regularly detox yourself from social media.

    We live in a society today where we are bombarded with celebrity news, never-ending flow of technology, gadgets and social media platforms filled with other people’s opinions.

    Challenge yourself to live without social media for 5 days and watch how your social life and work ethic will improve.

    Number 10.

    Create a vision board to remind yourself why you are working hard in the first place.

    Place images of the goals you want to achieve on a vision board or even on your phone to motivate you to remain focused.

    Bonus point: Dedicate a portion of your day to exercising – ideally in the morning to improve your mental health and give you the energy to achieve milestone successes in your day.

    Hopefully, these points will encourage you to become the best version of yourself.

    This video is brought to you by where you’ll find the number one Things-to do journal action planner on the planet.





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