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Home Success 5 ways to stay committed to your goals in 2019

5 ways to stay committed to your goals in 2019


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    Here is a list of five effective ways to stay focused on accomplishing your goals and reaching your God-given potentials in 2019. Make a decision to not get distracted and stay on your path to greatness.

    The ideas below are simple but extremely practical.

    1. Write it down 

    Write down the goal and keep it in sight as much as possible. Visual reminders are a great way to stay motivated and excited to see the goal accomplished.

    2. Announce your goal 

    It’s hard to shelf a goal when the whole world knows about it. Tell as many people as you can and ask them to help you keep the focus and energy to see the goal achieved. Ensure you tell people who you trust and who want the best for you.

    3. Create a deadline 

    Set a deadline. However caution should be exercised and a realistic time line should be set, otherwise this factor alone can end up costing the abandonment of the goal.

    4. Get support 

    Enlisting as much help as possible to complete the goal is also another good idea. If the goal is group orientated, everyone has the responsibility to be equally committed in achieving the goal. Also it’s a great motivator when there are other participants in the goal.

    5. Get insight 

    Researching the matters related to the goal is indeed an absolute must. Knowing what the goal entails, will give the individual a chance to evaluate its success. Log onto Google and start to get the information you need to move to that next level. Knowledge is power.



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