Home Uncategorized Selena Gomez shares her emotional testimony – I’m a child of God

Selena Gomez shares her emotional testimony – I’m a child of God

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    Popstar and actress Selena Gomez tearfully shared her testimony about her relationship with God at this year’s Hillsong conference, held in Los Angeles.

    The American singer shared her testimony in the form of a letter, describing her journey from a child to now. The 25-year old also reveals how her life in Hollywood was painful and confusing, which led her to strengthen her relationship with Christ 2 years ago , in her words, “You will learn that your truest identity is loved and chosen, as the chosen daughter of God.”

    Gomez’s ended her testimony with a bold declaration of her Christian faith and most importantly relationship with Jesus.

    “Selena, you are enough! Not because you’ve tried hard, not because you have loved hard or put on your best face, not because you have been given a large platform and not because others tell you ‘you are enough,'” she declared. “You are enough because you are a child of God who has been pursued from the very beginning. You are enough because His grace has saved you and covered you.”

    Relevant bible verse

    “He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God–children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” – John 1:11-13



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