Home Faith 50 ways to help the poor and needy

50 ways to help the poor and needy

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    We live in a society today, which breeds a culture where individuals are too busy competing with the next person, which creates a society of covetousness, greed, self-centeredness and a feeling of entitlement, but as believers we are taught to think contrary. Apostle Paul mentions in Romans 12:2 how it is essential to no longer conform to the patterns of this world but the renewing of our minds.

    As believers we are instructed to care for others, not solely ourselves. Having a heart to positively affect society opens you up to overwhelming blessings from God, financial and in health.

    Throughout the book of Gospels, Jesus Christ illustrated the power and benefits of extended generosity towards those in need, Luke 6:38, Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. Not only are we mandated to support others, we are encouraged to make this a way of life, Matthew 6:3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

    Below I’ve compiled a list of ways you can give back to those in need.

    Support your unemployed friend:

    • Look over his or her Curriculum Vitae to ensure they have the best chance of gaining employment through having the best possible resume.
    • Ask within your network if they know any potential job openings.
    • Ask your boss if he has any potential jobs available.
    • Encourage them to never give up, “Every “No” gets you closer to a Yes.
    • Encourage your unemployed friend to develop skills that’s required in the market place, Ecclesiastes 10:10, says, If the ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success.
    • Spend an hour researching potential jobs that may suitable for your friend to apply for.
    • Make an undertaking with yourself that you will include in your daily prayers that your friend gets a job until your prayer is answered. In the words of Jesus – Luke 18:1, Always pray and never give up.

    Support your single friend to find his or her potential partner:

    • Pray for God to match your friend with the perfect suitable partner.
    • Buy your friend a great book to prepare their mind for finding the right partner, and marriage.
    • Invite them to Christian marriage seminars.
    • Share your testimony on how you found your life partner.
    • Encourage them to write a list of the qualities they are looking for in a partner, this will help them gain clarity on what they are looking for.
    • Remind them on what the scripture says about marriage, Bible verses like “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.”
    • Send insightful YouTube links on Christian courtship; there are many profound speakers on this subject like Dr. Henry Cloud.

    Support your friend in business:

    • Pray for God to bless their business.
    • Promote their businesses on your social media website.
    • Refer potential customers to your friend’s business.
    • If you have a specialized skill that can enhance their business, offer them a free one-hour consultancy session.
    • Look at your friend’s business model and give feedback if needed, any serious businessperson would want to improve their business.
    • Invite your friend to networking events where there are opportunities to expand their business link.
    • Encourage him or her to set up a crowd funding campaign to raise fund for their business, and offer to place the first donation.
    • Buy them a business book that will help them expand their business.
    • Brainstorm ideas on how to expand his or her customer base.
    • Share with them the Biblical principles of growing a successful business, you can find many in the book of Proverbs.
    • Offer to spend 1 hour helping them sell their product.

    Help the homeless:

    • Research and compile a list of soup kitchens you can direct them to.
    • Develop a list of shelters and them to the homeless so they can find a shelter.
    • Contact hostels to find out if they have any space to host additional people that are homeless.
    • Buy them food.
    • Buy them clothing.
    • Provide them will blankets.
    • Look out for potential jobs on their behalf.
    • Set up a job recruitment ministry free of charge for those struggling to find job.
    • Make time within the week to phone him or her, so they will not feel lonely.
    • Buy them an MP3 player, and fill it up with uplifting songs, sermons and the audible version of the Bible.
    • Offer to be their personal coach, where you will monitor their weekly progression until they become productive.
    • Set up a donation drop box and invite those in the community to donate items that may impact those who are homeless, such as food, clothing etc.
    • Approach local businesses to contribute financially to set up a homeless shelter.
    • Set up a confidence building class offered towards those who are homeless to rebuild their self-image.
    • Give them stories of those who were homeless but now are successful members of society.
    • Raise money to fund the homeless that face alcohol or drug addiction into rehabilitation centre.

    Help loved one fighting depression:

    • Pray that the spirit of depression be lifted from the person, remember Jesus said in John 14: 13-14 I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the father may be glorified in the son.
    • Send uplifting motivation speeches or sermon – Proverbs 12:25 A cheerful word picks up.
    • Encourage them to read the Bible daily – Proverbs 16:24
    • Invite them to your church, and you may want to offer to take them out on lunch to receive feedback later on.



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